Sunday, June 29, 2014

Join or Renew Your Alumni Association Membership or Make a Donation!

Dear Alumni & Friends of Shorewood High School,

As the Alumni Association's fiscal year comes to a close, we would like to thank those who supported the Association during the year through generous membership dues, donations, and matching gifts.

Membership dues help cover operating costs so that we can:
-  support graduates with connections to SHS and each other
-  help SHS continue to provide an excellent educational experience
-  keep you informed of alumni activities and important developments at SHS
-  sponsor alumni and community events
-  fundraise for special causes and alumni scholarships
-  provide reunion organizing assistance
-  maintain social media websites

Please consider renewing your annual membership today, or becoming a member if you have not already done so.  TAX-DEDUCTIBLE dues are $25 per year (Jul 1- Jun 30), or $250 for a lifetime membership.

Please click on the link below to renew your support or join the SHS Alumni Association via PayPal.  If you don't have a PayPal account, don't worry, you also have the option to join or renew using a major credit card.  If you prefer to join or renew by US mail, click here to download our printable form.

Join or Renew your Alumni Membership!
Enter Your Class Year Here
Enter Your Email Here
On behalf of the all-volunteer Board of Directors of the SHS Alumni Association, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Chris Trost, Treasurer
Class of 1978

P.S.   If you don't want to become a member but would still like to make a special, one-time, tax-deductible donation to the Alumni Association, please consider a donation to one of the following funds. Every little bit helps!

If you prefer to donate via US mail, click here to download our printable form.

Donate to the Alumni Scholarship Fund:
Donate to a specific SHS program (e.g. Drama, Swimming, Best Buddies--mention program in Address Line #2):
Donate to the Alumni Association Operating Fund:

Don't forget to double your contribution through your matching gift program at work.

Thanks for your support!

Follow us on the web:
Official Site: Shorewood High School Alumni Association website
FaceBook: Shorewood High School Alumni Association Facebook page

Thursday, June 5, 2014

To the Graduating Class of 2014 ...

Congratulations on your achievement, and best of luck in all your future endeavors!

We know from experience that SHS has provided you with the education and experience necessary to be successful and make a difference in the world in the years ahead.

Remember that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.

Congratulations again,

-- From all your friends at the Shorewood High School Alumni Association